Taylor Brian Gabel and Maria-Assunta D'Orazio are the new proud/excited owners of a house.
Can't say I haven't felt this grown up since I put on my first pair of heals.
It all came together really quickly and I find myself really having to take a step back to soak it all in.
The transition from down town major city to the country side seems a bit crazy, but I'm starting to get use to it. As with any place, both have their pros and cons.
I definitely do not miss the douche bags that use to live down stairs from us, or all the frat houses on the street. However, I do miss the variety of things down town Toronto has to offer, right at our fingertips.
When it comes down to it, I'm living with the two loves of my life in a house to call our own. I really could not ask for anything more.